Friday, 13 August 2010

Day Six...Black Day...

I am cheesed off. If I may add 'to the max'. Maximally cheesed.

I woke up at 7 feeling dire. Nausea, cramps, dizzy...cold and sweaty and minging. Tried to get myself together to make the climb to the McSlurry counter and fainted. 3 hours later situation had not improved, and had passed out again on way to bathroom, so made the call that enough is enough. Yep. I phoned the spa people, who gave me the "listen to your body" lecture, and when I cocked my head to one side and tried to hear the message, it was both loud and clear. It went along the lines of: "ENOUGH IS ENOUGH, I am seriously p*ssed off now and demand anything containing any form of energy, pronto, or I'm striking worse than BA". So I cracked. Yep. Day 6. I'm most ashamed of myself. Due to lack of walking-without-fainting ability I phoned the restaurant and begged them to bring me a some juice and some grated carrot. I ate a few forkfuls of that, necked the pineapple juice, fell asleep and then woke up feeling MUCH improved. There you have it.

This afternoon, on the contrary, was lovely. I went to the beach and did some Vitamin D producing. Ate a bit more raw vegie stuff and had some more juice. Met up with Dutch-Carolien, another Canadian girl, and Annoying Stalky Australian Hosebeast (ASAH). ASAH the proceeded to annoy all 3 of us by (a)extolling the virtues of banning the burqa (b) telling Canadian she had very bad cellulite (she didn't), and (c)telling me that feeling rough this morning was due to me detoxing, and that I must be a very toxic person. Made me feel like a fricking Britney Spears song. She had the worst table manners ever, chewed with her mouth open, over-filled every mouthful (my pet hate) and then spoke over the excessively full mouth, spitting food back into her plate. Ugh. ASAH is now no. 2 on the Avoid list (no 1 is neighbour). Speaking of neighbour, he caught me coming out of the steam rock earlier. Yuck! You go into steam rock (massive hollowed-out boulder full'o'steam made with thai herbs etc) wearing a thin cotton wrap. This obviously gets incredibly clingy when wet. Neighbour saw me on my trip between steam room and cold-water-shower and spent an inappropriate amount of time gawping at me. He MINGS.

Off to the restaurant to see if Sean and Pamela and Japanese-Canadian are still on for thai boxing tonight. Apparently Pamela saw 2 knock-outs the last time - I'm quite excited!


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